Find the Light at
the End of the Tunnel
Therapy for Individuals and Couples
Looking for Relief
In-Person in Dallas-Fort Worth and Online throughout Texas
Lately, the burden of life just feels like too much.
You struggle to drag yourself out of bed each morning.
The constant mental and physical demands are crushing you beneath their weight.
And painful memories of your past still fill you with an unspeakable emptiness.
Things have never been easy for you.
But you’ve always managed to endure your tribulations with resilience and grit.
For some reason, that’s not working this time.
This pain is holding on more persistently, and you’re unsure what to do about it.
You’ve tried your best to find a solution on your own.
Meditation, two-a-days, and constant self-reflection have become just more chores you don’t have any time for.
Trying to white-knuckle your way to the end of each day isn’t cutting it.
And the “hustle culture” mindset of just muscling through only leads to greater feelings of disconnection and inadequacy.
Things can’t go on this way.
You’ve always picked up the slack for everything and everyone else because you thought you could handle it.
But you’ve never been more certain that something integral is missing from your life.
Your heart aches for purpose and direction.

There is another way.
Imagine waking up energized, ready to tackle your day, and using your purpose as a beacon.
Picture yourself genuinely laughing and making authentic connections with those you love most.
Life can feel easier, and your heart can feel lighter. And I can help.

Hi, I’m Jasmine!

I am here to walk with you through the darkness to find your inner light and peace.
In our sessions, you are of the highest importance! We provide a space where you feel comfortable exploring your doubts, dreams, failures, and future.
Sifting through your pain, we’ll help you release the burdens of your past and rediscover the inner wisdom and strength that’s been in you this whole time.
Together, we’ll get to the root cause of your heartache and anxiety while building tools of adaptability and resilience.
I can’t wait to help you reignite your spark and experience life to its fullest. Call me now.
Choose healing and happiness.
A fuller and more meaningful life is possible – you just need the tools to guide you there.
Reach out now for your free consultation, and let’s get started on this healing journey today!